You have a question, I have the answer.

Check out my “Favourite Blogs” page too for more sources of inspiration for this space.


Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Why did you make this website?

The single biggest inspiration for building this blog has definitely been my friend Roberto Castellotti’s own website, which he made as a repository for both his projects and his thoughts: a place to express himself in a truly free manner. He does explain it in more detail, though: check out his space here – but be wary: it’s written in Italian.

Not long after he published his own website, I started stepping out of social networks. As featured on Now, I increasingly felt like mainstream social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were the home of unauthentic self-expression, in its philosophical sense: a place for people to value how they appear instead of who they are, to unhealthily show off – more on what exactly I mean here and here. Instead, I was looking for a place to express myself in a much more authentic way, free from the mediocre crowd that haunts social networks. So, I started stepping out of them: first came Instagram, then Twitter – and meanwhile, leaning towards a personal blog as the new expressive platform I was craving.

And creating this blog has really brought me many, many benefits along the way. Along with the perfect space for self-expression, it also proved to be a surprising path of self-discovery: having to write out information about myself forced me to dig deeper into my identity, to exactly rule out what defines me – as featured on About. Moreover, this whole project has been extremely impactful on my technical knowledge and skill about websites and web design: being a student in Computer Science too, building this blog with a service like Squarespace or Wix would have meant wasting a chance to push my boundaries and learn from it; on the other hand, taking advantage of a content management system like Wordpress wouldn’t have allowed me the flexibility I wanted for my beginner’s website.